Fantage Cherrioz Chatbox

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Cherrioz Fantage Cherrio Fans this is our chat box!! Rules 1. No advertising Fantage realated Blogs anything else is fine if its appropriate 2. If you are an owner Please dont abuse your powers that will maake you become a mod or a member 3. Please No drama on this chat 4. Have Fun xD Main Owner : Surekha123 Sonia1112 and Rocknroll56 Owners:Hermione24 Silver & Grapie plus more I've gotten overboard with owners
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Veteran Party! :D

Fantage is Having a Veteran Party :D They said just now on their Fantage Blog Heres The post from the official fantage blog to go there click here :D

Are you a veteran member of Fantage? If you are, you will be invited to our upcoming Fantage Veterans celebration! This party will acknowledge all of our renowned members of Fantage who have been with us from the start (some of whom were even beta testers!). We are also going to cheer on all of those awesome members who have maybe joined recently, but already participated in so many activities, that their level has skyrocketed from earning so many medals! I think one of thems Meh XD

There is no definite date for this exciting bash just yet, but don’t worry; you will be getting more details from us really soon!

Can't wait :D
~Fantage/Fantage Cherrioz

1 comment:

  1. hey i wanted to know how to get a radio and alot of viewers! please respond back
