Fantage Cherrioz Chatbox

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Cherrioz Fantage Cherrio Fans this is our chat box!! Rules 1. No advertising Fantage realated Blogs anything else is fine if its appropriate 2. If you are an owner Please dont abuse your powers that will maake you become a mod or a member 3. Please No drama on this chat 4. Have Fun xD Main Owner : Surekha123 Sonia1112 and Rocknroll56 Owners:Hermione24 Silver & Grapie plus more I've gotten overboard with owners
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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fantage Cherrioz Paused!

Cherrioz guys I'm gonna take a little break from blogging because it's Spring Break and I'm gonna have some time to not worry about blogging and stuff lolz I made a new mix pod so new musics there :D and the pause will be over very soon or right after Spring Break is over xD
~Fantage Cherrioz Team


  1. well hope you have a happy spring break

  2. HELP xat is a retrad and not loading, evy doesnt come on my chat, no one does, i wanna talk 2 u guys, only corncake comes on, xat is a f***** a-**** HELP!! ~Hermz

  3. hello cherioz i want to add you my username is kianROX and i always go on whiteseal!
    your cool you rock!

  4. hey can you add me on fantage see the url its realy my account kk
