Fantage Cherrioz Chatbox

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Cherrioz Fantage Cherrio Fans this is our chat box!! Rules 1. No advertising Fantage realated Blogs anything else is fine if its appropriate 2. If you are an owner Please dont abuse your powers that will maake you become a mod or a member 3. Please No drama on this chat 4. Have Fun xD Main Owner : Surekha123 Sonia1112 and Rocknroll56 Owners:Hermione24 Silver & Grapie plus more I've gotten overboard with owners
Get your own Poll!

Saturday, February 27, 2010


~Fantage Cherrioz~

Friday, February 26, 2010

The The New....And Mysterious...

Cherrioz New World Map and it's Spring on Fantage! so in addition to that theres a NEW background!

Hmmmm..... What could this be? =O Its a Japanize House! Maybe Fantage is about to make House's that appeal to people on the outside not just the inside Lol
~Fantage Cherrioz Team~
P.s. Fantage Cherrioz Party Tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fantage New Coustumes And Furniture!

Cherrioz guys New coustumes and New Furniture are coming out on THURSDAY! Yaaay!!! Also Theres a story about these little animals that found the world of Fantage xD This comes from the official Fantage Blog!

Monsters aren’t the only creatures from the land known as Murias…

When Sammy the Skunk heard about how her good friend Leroy left his homeland of Murias in search of the freedom to battle, she thought he was 2 pegs away from having gone insane! However, after Leroy and his buddies left, the town soon turned dull and uneventful. Sammy began to think maybe he was right after all. A few days later, Sammy received a letter from Leroy telling her about how he stumbled upon a land known as Fantage…that it was a magical place where gameplay was celebrated! Sammy decided she should go to Fantage and she even convinced a few of her closest friends—Pink Cow, Scruffy, and Clucky—to come along with her!

When Sammy and her friends arrived, Pink Cow wanted badly to start battling at the Monster Color Battle, so off they went to the Carnival. However, it seems as though Monster Color Battle was only intended for…well, monsters. Sammy sighed with disappointment. The entire reason she came to Fantage was to play games! She left and began walking around aimlessly. She went Uptown to the Costume Shop. She walked in and saw Jester, the owner. Sammy could see he was a little down in the dumps…he hadn’t had any good costume ideas in weeks! Sammy and him tried to brainstorm to come up with some good ideas, but nothing was coming to mind. Jester’s thoughts began to wander and he realized that he had never met a skunk before. Just then, it hit him.

“That’s it!”, said Jester. “I can make a costume that looks like you—a skunk!”

Sammy became excited. ”You might want use my friends too! One is a pink cow! I’m pretty sure those are a rarity…”

Jester’s creativity for costume-making was once again sparked! Sammy and her friends felt happy too because they knew that if they didn’t travel all the way here, they would have never been able to help!

I hope you enjoyed The story! Also Remember to come to my Party on Saturday (Feb. 27!) Thanks For info on the past post! Hope you guys come!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

News News News!

Cherrioz guys I'm Back YAY and Now some News about Fantage Theres a Monsters Color Battle going on RIGHT NOW its at the beach and Carnival! Its kinda the same thing as the First color battle but NOW with MONSTERS! xD I hope you'll Have Fun! Here's what you do
1. Ethier go to the Carnival or the Beach
2. Find The Monster Color Battle Paint Bucket Thing (lol)
3. Enter
4. Read the instructions on the top
5. When two monsters show up click the one you like Most
6. Wait to see The Winners!
Thats very simple isn't it? Here are all the monsters!
Also I'm Coming Back Yay! Heres whats going on I came back Lol and...... When I came back I got to 2,000 HITS! Oh ya big accomplishment! So I will be celebrating! Heres the news on the party!
What Server: Sage Dragon
Where: Down Town
What time: 5:0o EASTEREN!
Day: Saturday Feb. 27
I think thats all you need to know But heres What will be held at my Party...
1. Contest if you win you get featured on my blog!
2. The Party will also be Featured on meh blog
3. There will be Cheerios there I hope lol
4. Party on my chat
5. MANY MANY pics will be taken lol
6. much much more Plus Surprizes!
~I hope you come and please do Fantage Cherrioz Team~

Friday, February 19, 2010


Click The image for a better view and it also says it all agian Lol
~xoxo Sure + Cheerios

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010


If you can't read it please click the image for a better view!
~xoxo Surey123

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cherrioz taking a break

Cherrioz guys I will be taking a break from blogging and fantage well on fantage i will only be on when there are partys and stuff going on so i wont be on most of the time im really srry guys if you want to talk to me send me a message on youtube (my youtube user is Thesurekha123) or email me at Thanks and I am very srry
~xoxo Surekha123 a.k.a. Cherrioz

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

medal update

Sorry I messed up on the medal update there are TWO medals you can earn and to earn them you have to give and receive stickers sorry about the error
~Thanks Bloggerz Fantage Cherrioz team

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentines Day Party Up date!

The Valentines Day Party is just around the corner (Feb. 12!) There is going to be a HUGE CHOCOLETE FOUNTIN and to go through you need to buy the Very Special Coustumes to turn your coustume in to a yummy treat! Also if you participate in the Valentines the party you get a Medal!!!! So remember to be at the party all 5 days to get the medal! There will also be a Valentines day treasure hunt!!! If you find 20 hearts you get FREE STARS Awesomeee
~Fantage Cherrioz Team~

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cherrioz Forever

Okay The winner for the Cheerioz VS Frootloops is CHEERIOZ!!!! YAY More Info about the party for Cheerioz Coming soon so EAT SUM CHEERIOZ!
~Fantage Cherrioz Team~

Friday, February 5, 2010

Fantage News!

First Picture: The Invite a friend medal for Spring is out!
Make sure you get that this season! To raise your level!
Second Picture: Fantage Top Models Tortorial out!
The tortorial is behind the blue couch in
The lobby of Top Models Ink
Third Picture: There are New Themes out for fantage Top Models Fasion Show and They Are...
Formal AND Magical! Enjoy!
Last Picture: Valintines Day Party Coming Really soon!
Like Febuary 12!!!! Meh Valintines Day Party
Will be Held on Febuary 25!!! Its meh 2nd Year Celebrating
Valintines Day On Fantage!
~Thanks Bloggerz Fantage Cherrioz Team~

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Valintines Day Update! 2

Well da pic says it all! There will be a top models help guide out soon and the valintines day party starting on the 12th of Febuary! Click the picture to get more info abour everything ;)
~Thanks Bloggerz Fantage Cherrioz~

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valintines Day Update!

Cherrioz Bloggerz sorry if the pic is a bit messed up lol The New Idphone stickers skins and backgrounds will be released on THURSDAY so keep a look out for it =] Also I will be having a CHERRIOZ VALINTINES DAY PARTY at Feb. 25! So mark that on your calender Lol I would love it if you come because This will be my second Year for Valintines Day on Fantage!
~Thanks Bloggerz More info coming soon Fantage Cherrioz~

Monday, February 1, 2010

Outfits for the Seasons

Cherrioz Bloggerz here are some outfits I made for the seasons! I hope you enjoy remember to comment on the post CHERRIOZ FOREVER so I can put your name on that blog post Next Week the winner (Cheerioz or Froot Loops) will get to have their very own Party at MT. Fantage!
~Thanks Bloggerz Fantage Cherrioz Team~ btw Thanks Sonia for letting meh use her account