Fantage Cherrioz Chatbox

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Cherrioz Fantage Cherrio Fans this is our chat box!! Rules 1. No advertising Fantage realated Blogs anything else is fine if its appropriate 2. If you are an owner Please dont abuse your powers that will maake you become a mod or a member 3. Please No drama on this chat 4. Have Fun xD Main Owner : Surekha123 Sonia1112 and Rocknroll56 Owners:Hermione24 Silver & Grapie plus more I've gotten overboard with owners
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Thursday, January 28, 2010

The New And The Awesome Cherrioz!

Cherrioz Bloggerz New Things are out today Yesterday the comet had been released and starting from now NEW comets every Wednesday! Also a carnival party will begin too! Starting from Friday through Sunday you will get to have 3x the satrs not 2x but THREE TIMES! This will probably be for members though =O lol Also two very speacial and NEW items will be availible at the Carnival a magicion coustume and a board to go with it! I can't wait! The first pic is meh and beauty say Hi or Cherrioz to us if you see us! :]
~Thanks Bloggerz Fantage Cherrioz Team!

1 comment:

  1. Who ever created this........I wanna give u a....THX SO MUCH!! i go here everyday .The first time i came it was boring then i kept coming 'cuz it fun!!
