Fantage Cherrioz Chatbox

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Cherrioz Fantage Cherrio Fans this is our chat box!! Rules 1. No advertising Fantage realated Blogs anything else is fine if its appropriate 2. If you are an owner Please dont abuse your powers that will maake you become a mod or a member 3. Please No drama on this chat 4. Have Fun xD Main Owner : Surekha123 Sonia1112 and Rocknroll56 Owners:Hermione24 Silver & Grapie plus more I've gotten overboard with owners
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Thursday, December 31, 2009


New Years!
Make custom Glitter Graphics

Fantage cherrioz program for New Years Eve and New Years Day!

Cherrioz bloggerz I hope your having a wonderful New Years Eve and will have an awesome New Years Day! Heres some info about the 2010 hats you get them from gems or the wizards dominion all blue (or rare gems yay its for nons too!) And heres some info about my New Years Party it will start today dec. 31 at 5:00 MT Fantage server is Amber Antelope I know its full sometimes or most of the time but if you keep refreshing I bet you can get in heres the info in organized form
When: Dec. 31 and Jan. 1
What time: 5:00
Where: Mt fantage
What Server: Amber Antelope
I hope you Fantage Cherrioz fans can make it I'll see you there!
~ Thanks bloggers Fantage Cherrrioz team

Monday, December 28, 2009


Cherrioz bloggerz YAY Fantage New Years party xD I cant wait!!And also your holiday medals are out IF you participated everyday for the holiday party! Be sure to check the fantage blog for more news!! And more info on THE FANTAGE CHERRIOZ NEW YEARS PARTY Will come out soon!
~Thanks Bloggers Fantage Cherrio Surekha123

Fantage New comic

~Thanks bloggers rofl fantage cherrioz
p.s. Im Having a New Years Party On Mt Fantage on New Years day I would love for you guys to come so you can Spend New Years with us FANTAGE CHERRIOZ TEAM! So please come thanks!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fantage Cherrioz!

Cherrioz Bloggerz Well come to my new blog FANTAGE CHERRIOZ! My old blog was fantagesurekha123 BUT I made a new one because I like cherrioz so much HEHE Wellcme to my blog! I hope you enjoy everything about it and since its new theres nothing really so I'll be adding more and more to it right now its just a regular old blog but SOON it will be an awesome hit! Thanks for coming heres whats gonna be out soon
1.Fantage news (it will be out VERY soon like tomorrow rofl)
2.Fantage Cherrioz user!
3.Random posts
4.Fantage cherrioz help
5.Fantage Cherrioz music
6.Idk entertainment?
So be sure to come ALL the time because I HOPE new posts EVERYDAY! btw the comic up there was from my old blog I loved it so much I want to show you it here click the image to get a closer and awesomer view!
~Thanks Bloggers Fantage Cherrioz